Friday, May 25, 2012

It's not your stage, darling!

Dibutuhkan lebih banyak kemauan daripada kemampuan untuk komposisi keberhasilan tindakan. Teori memang berkata begitu. Praktiknya, kemampuan sangat-sangatlah penting. Kemampuan, yang lahir dari bakat atau ditempa melalui kebiasaan atau latihan, sangat penting untuk kepuasan pribadi dan juga pergaulan sosial. Faktanya, beberapa minggu ini saya merasa jengah, tetapi 'bersyukur' karena ketidak-asertive-an diri telah berhasil menemukan kesadarannya. Penemuan yang terlambat mungkin, yakni kesadaran bahwa I have no talent or particular skill. Sedih ternyata, tidak bisa memiliki bakat yang menyenangkan. Let say,  I can’t sing, even can’t read the lines, nor playing musical instrument. I can't swim nor dance. So, what can I be proud of? That’s a pity. 

At least, I am still proud to be able to enjoy the moment when I feel like stuck in a stiff condition. I should have tried my best, but I don't. My inner thought then comfort me by telling: "That's not your stage, darling"

It is true. My stage is here, when silent and rhyme can be best friend. Almost impossible. But, only those who listen to their inner heart who always find a moment to remember, and to treasure. That is what I called by self-acceptance. Acceptance to self-limitation that never restrain the grateful heart. 

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