Friday, December 12, 2014

[Reminder] In the Name of Process and Patience

picture from here

Not everyone is able to value the meaning of 'process' because instant results seem so promising and tempting. For those who are able to enjoy the every little things called process or effort or Ikhtiar, you are truly blessed. Most time many people forget that. They just look ahead to what they want to achieve and being obsessed with the result. And what happens if things did not work? They will be desperately sad and empty. They usually forgot that God will count the process. They don't realize that God will replace all the tears and sweat with smiles at the end. 

Being obsessed with the big picture of result will also dismiss each little things need to be valued at the most. Because if they oriented their senses and sight to far-distanced-target/goals, they will rarely appreciate small and invisible things. And, when they are 'awaken' by God's light, they will feel extremely in a loss.

The reason is because the small and invisible things in their surrounding are so beautiful. They just rarely focus on that due to delusional distractions in a distant. So, please move your focus a bit and capture the beauty within and surround you. It will affect your soul and heart. Then, you will start to appreciate the small, imperfection, invisible, yet valuable things in your life. By applying that simple virtue, you will also practice how to enjoy the process which needs time and patience.

To process patiently it indeed needs practice everyday. The simple keys that help are feeling grateful and keep the positive thoughts, positive feelings, and positive acts.

Best, Kf

Thursday, December 11, 2014

[Family Getaway] Kampung Coklat

As we grew older, we tend to appreciate our family-time more. Since my brother and I studied and worked in a different city, we really valued what it feels being home and being at the hometown. Besides having a fun yet casual leisure time at home, we also loved to treasure our time by going somewhere else, just for paying a visit or tasting food. The essence was to appreciate the time together and add some excitements in our relations. Usually my mom or the kids (my brother and I) made plans and had to persuade or insist my father to agree on our planning. Sometimes, it needs more effort :P Hehe

Sunday morning, October 12th 2014, we decided  to visit Kampung Coklat. It was located in Kademangan, Blitar Regency. It took about a half an hour by car from our house, in Blitar City. My first impression after being there was why is it called Kampung? because it was just like a rest area with food-court and chocolate plantation. Hehe. We entered in one big house with has many banner that claimed that it is the right location, 'Kampung Cokelat'. We arrived there around 8 am so the situation were still conducive. It got more crowded as the times passed by. There were many table settings and tenants that sell various kinds of chocolate products. We also could observed chocolate trees and plantation arena.

I bought hot chocolate there and it tasted too sweet. They already prepared the composition which consisted of chocolate formula and sugar. When I asked the seller not to give the sugar or just give a little she refused to do so. So, the taste of hot chocolate was not that special, except just too sweet.  We were lucky to arrive early morning so that we could pick a good seat to enjoy the morning. After having a cup of hot chocolate, my brother, mom, and I took a walk around the area to take pictures while my father keep watching on our belongings since he had no interest in being in a frame. 

After that, I decided to buy food in the food court. There were many options beside chocolate, and I chose Rujaak. Because  I always missed Jawa Timuran food I rarely eat in Jogja. I appreciated the the initiator and the owner of this Kampong Coklat. His idea are not only success in empowering their neighbor and surrounding to plant chocolate but also opening the employment opportunity for them.

This place got more popular and more people from other cities also visiting this place. Most people said that it was education tourism, but I myself can not really feel the sense. Maybe because I did not really feel to educate myself by paying attention more in expanding my knowledge about chocolate. I just wanted to enjoy my time with my family and eat the food. There are also shops that sells many chocolate but the taste is different with chocolate I used to like, especially when you have already tasted many variant of chocolates, especially European chocolate.

All in all, I think they need to improve the quality of the products, such as  packaging, taste (more important), and promotion. For the place itself, I think it is perfect alternative for people to spend their leisure time with family, to know a little bit about chocolate, and to enjoy the band performance. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

[Getaway] Candi Ratu Boko

Friendship is like any other relationship that needs to take care of.
Spending a qualified time with my ladies is always blissful and worth-spending.
13th of September 2014, we went to Candi Ratu Boko to enjoy our togetherness while waiting for sunset. It was on the weekend, so, as predicted, too crowded to enjoy!

For entering the site, we must pay IDR 50K each person. The temple itself is unique, petite, and has its own beauty. It is the favorite object of photographer, especially when the twilight is approaching. I would recommend people not to come in the weekend since it would be so many people there. What I really loved is the sheer of the light when the sun started to set in the West. It is the mix color of grey sky, orange, and red.  And when it touched your face, you just feel that beauty.

Friday, November 28, 2014

[POEM] Rose is Red, Sky is Blue

picture from here

Sometimes it is funny to remember how we met.
It is not (only) fate or serendipity, yet there is Invisible Hand involved.
Far from now, we will be in the place that telescope can not reach and fortune-teller can not predict.
To go far to that place, your arms and hands are needed, to make sure that we are stronger together to hold onto life, each other, step by step

November 28th, when the rain is falling, the yearning is pouring!
When the rose is red and sky is blue, I will (always) be praying for you.



[LESSON] Value Your Health

November is always special and easy to remember when it comes to blogging. I clearly remembered my previous blog I wrote in the previous November. It is just the time of the year when you feel very sensitive about time, changes, life, and rain. Yes, rain! It is raining almost everyday here, in Jogja, and almost all over Java. Nothing wrong with rain, and please pray when it is raining. Hopefully the rain will give a lot of blessings to our environment.

Rain is like a melancholic serenade that triggered me to think random thoughts. It is just the atmosphere of spaciousness when you need hugs, warmth, and comfort for the most. When there is space in between your hope and reality, sometimes what you can do is just dreaming, imagining, and remembering. Those activities contained addictive or toxic that could destroy your 'immune' system.

Talking about the immune system, I have passed very dramatic, stressful, and sleepless nights due to my thoughtless action as a consequence of my procrastination. I have forced myself, my mind, and my body to run and catch up the deadlines. During that struggle, I consumed an unhealthy food which contained many MSG, caffeine, fat, etc. Beside, I did not absorb enough nutrition, delayed my eating-hour, and forgot about exercise. Not to mention about psychological factors.

The effect came later. I actually felt very weak and shaking aftermath of my deadline passed. It was also due to the continuous of lacking of sleeping hours. Last night, I decided to see the doctor and I was diagnosed having a high blood pressure or hypertension (140/90). And also a low blood glucose level (90- I thought it was normal until the Doctor said that is less than the ideal level around 110). That's why I felt weak. I was a bit surprised because I had never experienced to reach that high blood pressure. I always consider myself having a normal tension and a fast-recovered person. Which was different with last night reality.

I was blessed and thankful that many loving people around me care much about me and my health. I am also grateful that God 'poked' me with a very elegant way. I knew from the Internet that hypertension could lead to many serious health problems. Therefore, I need to care about myself more, changed my life habit into a healthy ones, and balancing my body and my mind. Our body is just like an alarm that test our sensitivity. I think health is a long-term investment in life, so better to care of my body as early as possible.

Please stay healthy everyone! Health is one of priceless assets in life, so do not take it for granted. You never value your health until you are not feeling healthy.

Best regards,

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

[Expedition] Finally, Kelud!

Ketika Kelud Menggeliat 

Gunung Kelud, salah satu gunung berapi-aktif di Indonesia yang menghasilkan letusan sangat dahsyat tahun ini. Gunung ini terletak di perbatasan antara Kabupaten Kediri, Kabupaten Blitar, dan Kabupaten Malang. Setelah kenaikan statusnya ke beberapa level, sampai ke level tertinggi, 'Awas', gunung ini akhirnya meletus dahsyat pada tanggal 13 Februari 2014, sekitar pukul 11 malam. Pengalaman  meletusnya gunung Kelud mengiringi perjalanan pulangku ke rumah. Kebutulan tanggal 13 Februari waktu itu aku memutuskan pulang menuju Blitar karena sudah beberapa saat tidak pulang.

Seperti biasanya, setelah dijemput pukul 20.00/21.00 malam, rutinitasku selalu pamit dan minta doa melalui Whatsapp, kemudian merem sepanjang perjalanan Yogya ke Saradan, Madiun. Malam itu kuterbangun di sekitar Madiun dan mendengar percakapan sopir yang terganggu dengan kabut semacam pasir tipis yang menutupi kaca mobil. Lantas, aku melanjutkan tidur lagi. Sesampainya di RM Pagi Sore (Surya) Saradan, aku bangun dan melihat HP-ku ternyata Bapak sudah menelepon berkali-kali. Pak Sopir pun menyindir, "Gimana nih Mbak, gunungnya meletus kok malah tidur aja". Wow, aku baru sadar kalau malam itu Gunung Kelud sudah meletus. Langsung saja kutelpon orang-orang rumah memastikan semua baik-baik saja.

Perjalanan paling parah adalah ketika kami mencapai Kota Kediri. Listrik mati, pasir tebal menutupi badan jalan dan menghalangi laju kendaraan, sementara itu kendaraan berbondong-bondong ingin segera meninggalkan Kediri di tengah gerimis abu yang terus-terusan megguyur Kota. Untungnya di tengah suasana yang mencekam seperti itu semua orang mau bersabar antre di jalan dan tidak anarkis. Aku juge bersyukur sopir travel malam itu handal dan sabar. Walaupun harus berulang kali mengisi air untuk menyeka kaca depan mobil yang terkena abu dan pasir. Serta mengantar beberapa penumpang yang rumahnya sudah tertutup pasir Kelud di Kediri.

Aku mengapresiasi sopir travel yang tepat dalam mengambil keputusan untuk mengikuti sebuah truk di depannya. Ahasil perjalanan mampu dilalui dengan lancar walaupun lajunya tidak kencang, namun menapaki pasti. Surprisingly ketika sampai di Kabupaten Blitar, semua orang melongo, tidak terlihat bekas letusan Gunung Kelud. Terlibah lagi ketika sampai di Kota Blitar, udara bersih dan bahkan seperti hari normal.  Dampak letusan Kelud tidak terlalu signifikan terasa di Kota Blitar. Berdasarkan kesaksian orang rumah, kepanikan terjadi beberapa jam setelah Gunung meletus sekitar pukul 23.00 malam. Beberapa kerikil dan pasir tipis juga berjatuhan di rumah setelah gunung meletus, namun tidak masif dan intensitasnya jarang. Dampak tersebut berhasil di sapu keesokan harinya, 14 Februari 2014. Selebihnya, udara segar dan matahari terang bersinar di hari itu.

Menapaki Kelud
Akhirnya, aku menapaki Kelud. Walaupun dari rumah hanya berjarak lebih dari 20km, namun baru kemarin ketika pulang, tepatnya 7 September 2014 aku berkesempatan menginjakkan kaki di sana. Untuk pertama kalinya. Ditemani lima orang, termasuk  adik dan teman-teman kantornya, kami berangkat dari rumah naik mobil sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB. Perjalanan ke Gunung Kelud memakan waktu sekitar satu jam.

Di bawah ini beberapa rekam foto penampakan Kelud pasca erupsi dahsyat bulan Februari tahun ini.

Kami sampai di sana sekitar pukur tujuh pagi, namun matahari terang sekali. Masih terlihat sepi, karena kami pengunjung kedua yang sampai. Bagi yang membawa mobil, tempat ini adalah pemberhentian terakhir, tempat parkir mobil. Hiruk pikuk lalu lalang orang akan semakin rame menjelang siang. Di sepanjang tempat parkir ini ada warung makan dan kios penjaja makanan. Selanjutnya kami menyarankan agar naik ojek sampai ke jempatan pertama, sebelum penanjakan. Biaya ojek pulang pergi hanya Rp.10.000,-

Landscape di jembatan sebelum pendakian

I feel like hiking somewhere else, abroad. Yes, I am in the US.

Pemandangan nampak dari atas. Terlihat beberapa titik gerombolan orang. Yaitu pos dimana kami turun dari ojek untuk melanjutkan perjalanan ke atas, begitu juga dengan pengunjung yang lain. 

Long way to go, perjalanan total dari turun ojek, sekitar 1,5 km, dengan tanjakan yang mempunyai ketajaman sedang, tidak terlalu curam.

Landscape Gunung Kelud. Dari kejauhan terlihat seperti orang yang tidur berbaring.

Ini adalah akhir perjalanan, karena yellow line yang membatasi kami untuk bergerak maju ke depan. Padahal di depan sana masih banyak objek yang lebih menantang untuk dilihat, seperti bekas kawah, dan lekuk gunung yang menyimpan misteri. Tapi cukup di sini sajalah titik aman sebuah perjalanan.

Jangan membayangkan pendakian ke Kelud seperti halnya pendakian ke gunung-gunung lain di Jawa, seperti Merapi, Lawu, Merbabu. Ini lebih disebut  sebagai perjalanan ke lembah gunung untuk napak tilas sisa erupsi, wisata keluarga dan berfoto-foto. Selain itu, alternatif olahraga yang menyehatkan kaki. Tidak banyak peluh dan nafas yang keluar karena medannya ringan, bahkan untuk anak kecil. Walaupun matahari sangat terang, angin gunung juga sejuk berhembus. 

Menghela nafas sebentar, sambil merefleksikan : melihat gunung dan sisa erupsinya, serta mengingat kembali dahsyatnya efek yang ditimbulkan, betapa Maha Daya-Nya yang menciptakan dan membuat segala kejadian. Tentunya, itu lebih dari sekedar siklus alamiah letusan gunung berapi, bagi orang-orang yang berpikir.
Cheers, Kf

Saturday, September 20, 2014

[FUN] 20 Facts About Me

I was tagged and challenged to share #20FactAboutMe by @amaliaeci in Instagram. This is very popular right now and I am happy to finish it,  for fun. Since I failed to upload in IG many times,  I decided to post it in in my blog.

Here there are theFacts about me you should know: ^^

1. My full name is RIZKI NUR FAUZIA.  I love the meaning of my name. When I was a baby, I almost got a different name (Rizka Faza Syahara) yet not approved by my Father. 
2. The oldest kid in my family,  have a younger brother.
3. Both my parents are teacher which I am proud of.
4. Family is everything,  and comes first. Family time is always precious.
5. I grew up in a small peaceful town in East Java, called Blitar.  The town which has no movie theater, shopping malls, KFC,  Dunkin, yet is very peaceful and pleasant to live in.
6. I loved both beach and mountain. So it is difficult to choose one.
7. I belived in the kindness and positivity.  For me,  those virtues are contagious.
8. I enjoyed travelling and going new places for a discovery. Travelling can enrich and nourish my soul. I have experienced solo travel quite often,  the longest route is from Norway to Denmark,  and France.  It was very priceless.  However, I considered that travel with the loving one(s) would be more challenging,  fun,  and memorable. Longing for that moments.
9. I really wanted to go to Baitullah for Umrah, sooner.
10. Jogging is my favorite exercise.  I should have more time to do it.
11. Smiley is my middle name. It is just the template of my face I cannot change and complain to.
12. I like listening much better than talking.  I really enjoy listening other's stories and thoughts.
13. I do blogging in:  dotkikifauzia.blogspot. com since 2010 to share my personal point of views,  experiences,  and photos. Writing does really help when others seems not care.
14. I am NOT a sentimental and sensitive person.  Forgive me for that.  Just recenty,  I was easily 'touched' and cried for reasonable factors.
15. I had difficulty to be decisive and assertive.  And am on the process of improving.
16. I am very grateful for people and things I have in life. They have just filled and completed me,  whether in good or bad.  Their presence in life must be for reason.
17. My favorite foods are many. Gudeg, ducks, seafood, mash potatoes and  Italian foods are among my favorite ones. I have been craving for 'Eggplant Parmesan' for loong time and not accomplished yet.
18. I am Aquarius,  born in February.  100% Javanese.
19. I was used to be a big soccer fan since middle school. Not anymore now.  I am a Juventini and my first crush is Filippo Inzaghi. Kinda regret why him, hahaha :D
20. Doing my thesis.  Hopefully it ll be over sooooon.  Wish me luck!

Cheers, Kf

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Other Doors will Open, Welcoming You !

Parting, ending, and breaking are never easy, especially when those things are very special and memorable. Fortunately, through life, people and precedent has taught us to face and pass those part, whether successfully or unsuccessfully.  Since we are a child, we are nurtured to stand up and move on to continue life, to any direction, to upgrade our setup. However, each people will respond to the process differently, depends on their circumstances, framings, and perspectives.

For me and my surroundings, we experienced this phase quite often during these last months. It might be hard, sad, heart-breaking for some people, especially in the beginning. But the are always two-sided coins in life. There must be a lesson-learned, reshuffle, and a 'blessing in disguise' afterward. I always believe that 'time will heal and refill', and we can always remember that as memory and lesson in life.

I have witnessed many crying friends who felt the loss of loosing the loved one(s). It broke my heart, really. However, I believe that this feeling is very natural and needs to be appreciated. They might have sensible hearts to express their true feelings. Let them cry, let us cry. It is like liberating our souls and cleansing the wounded hearts. It feels hurt and sore for sure, but the wound will be dry and recovered. The recovery indeed needs time.

After all, the experience of this process will enrich your soul and soft-skills in life. The sadness and emptiness feelings will last only temporary.  Keep in mind that life is a collecting pieces of goodbye and halo, parting and meeting, breaking and joining, ending and starting. That is how life cycles. That is how important that: (1) We need to see the bright and brighter sides, (2) Look back wisely and move forward optimistically, (3) Acknowledge people at the first place. People who have been part of our life stories come crossed to us for reasons.

All in all, I cannot thank enough for those people who have experienced the process. I am very blessed and thankful to the people who have filled my days and my heart, with many memories and lesson learned. I am sorry for every mistakes, my lack of understanding, and my foolish actions. Remember, if for some reasons we are apart, it is only for artificial reasons. You are, and will be in my heart. Distance is not the matter of physical space, but a connecting of willingness heart.

Please smile and be happy!


Sunday, September 7, 2014

[Family Getaway] Short Reunion in Jogja, Desember 2013

Beberapa hari ini keinginan untuk mengunggah foto-foto bersama keluarga terasa menggebu. Alasannya, pertama, mengabadikan momen bersama keluarga di blog terasa bermakna, terutama jika kita ingin flash back ke beberapa masa yang lalu. Blog ini nampaknya sudah seperti album yang tersimpan rapi, siap dibuka kapanpun. Memori dan rasa terekam di situ. Kedua, mengunggah foto di media sosial, seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, terasa sangat mainstream  dan kurang bisa menjabarkan makna yang lebih dalam melalui eksplanasi yang terbatas wording-nya. Ketiga, apresiasi terhadap karya seni yang diekspresikan lewat narsisme, perlu dilestarikan dan diabadikan dalam postingan :P

Desember 2013, waktu yang sibuk di antara saya dan adik sehingga kami tidak mempunyai kesempatan pulang selama beberapa bulan. Oleh karenanya, kami memutuskan untuk bertemu di Jogja, sebagai tempat yang berada di tengah-tengah antara Blitar dan Jakarta. Kmai memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut untuk mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata di Jogja.

Sesampainya adik di Jogja, kami langsung menuju jasa penyewaan sepeda motor. Alhamdulillah, hanya dengan mengisi formulir peminjalam dan beberapa syarat administrasi, seperti foto copy KTP, foto copy KTM dan lain-lain (saya agak lupa, tetapi tidak ribet kok) kami sudah mendapat pinjaman motor yang performanya oke beserta satu helm dan jas hujan. Berbekal dua motor, kami  menjadi pelancong domestik di berbagai obyek wisata di Jogja, seperti halnya Museum Ullen Sentalu dan Pantai Parang Tritis.



We had a brief yet great weekend together. Sayangnya Bapak harus piket menjaga rumah. Terima kasih tak terkira kepada TRIPOD yang selalu bisa diandalkan dimana pun kami ingin berpose bersama :D