Wednesday, June 30, 2010

She Whom I Called Her

I called her "She"
This mortal creature is vulnerably fragile. She often wonders, confused, forgets, stiffs, failed, sick, regrets, defeated, cheated, and so on, those makes her completed as a perfect human with no absolute power.

In a world-stage when life is a play, she is involved as one player. She acts protagonist most times. For her, life balance is an ideal virtue. She really wants to give more, love more, learn more, understand more, including spreads more happiness and joy with others simply just by smiling, active-listening, understanding, and supporting with such a modest, and even awkward way of hers.

This vulnerably fragile creature attempts to stabilize her faith, finding out her truly passion, balancing her life, and mapping out her real intention to meet her shimmering dreams.

By the end, she really wants to be "khairunnas anfa'uhum linnas". She doesn't walk alone. She doesn't like making any sound. She can't stand vanity, superiority, and humiliaton. She believes in the magnificence of prayers, especially from parents and good peoples around her who steps on the same paths of kindess, good deeds, compassion, harmony, and righteousness.

She is calling herself to be more patient and stronger which she believes she can. Bismillah.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Memoar Tertinggal di Blitar

Finally Home

I was still having dinner with my close friends at my friend’s room, when the driver called. Shocked. It was still an hour earlier than the usual time. So, I finished up my eating hastely, run out downstair to get my room, and asked the driver to wait for a while. I packed up abruptly, and grabbed my sweater before saying good bye to my room, ibu kost, and friends. The driver was squating in front of kost while holding his cell phone. I said sorry for waiting and he answered with such a nice smile. He also said sorry in return for not informing the time he will pick me up.

Seemingly the car looks different in my eyes. Much more better, elegant, and convenient. I occupied myself on seat 4. The seat is very cozy and didn’t make bottom burned out. Yes, it’s a new car, I just realized, convinced by the statement I heard from the driver. The driver also seems unfamiliar since I used to have a ride with that travel, and never met that face. Along the way, I really enjoy the music played in the car, Chrisye songs, which is very easy listening and drowned me to my dream.

And finally I am HOME
3.30 a.m. Aku sangat bahagia akhirya sampai juga di depan rumah. Udara dingin Blitar merasuk hingga ke tulang-tulangku. Tidak menyiksa, namun menyenangkan dan sangat menyegarkan. Sayangnya beberapa smsku belum dijawab oleh orang tua karena maklum jam segitu semua mata masih terlelap dalam nyenyak. Untungnya gerbang rumah terbuka, dan aku berdiri terpaku karena ternyata pintu rumah masih terkuci. Akhirnya, aku memutuskan untuk menelepon rumah. Alhasil, bapak membuka pintu dan mama menyambutku dengan dengan peluk hangat dan tawa ceria.

Beberapa kutipan yang membekas selama beberapa hari di rumah..

”Nduk kesempatan pulang ke rumah seperti ini harus kamu manfaatkan betul, mumpung kamu masih di dekat orang tua dan mudah izinnya, bayangkan nanti jika kamu udah kerja atau di tempat jauh”

”Nduk bapak mau mancing ikan di kolam rumah ini karena kamu pulang. Kalau tidak, siapa coba yang mau repot-repot mancing ikan dan mengolahnya sampai menjadi hidangan yang lezat. Semuanya demi menyenangkan anak”

”Mbak, met seneng2 di rumah yaa. Jangan lupa mama bapak dijaga dan rumahnya dibersihkan”

”Ya, seperti adikmu saja kalo pulang ke rumah bawa AlQuran sendiri, jadi tahu dimana batas mengajinya. Jadikan mengaji sebagai kebutuhan, setiap habis sholat kalo bisa diusahakan. Kalo tidak ya minimal sehari mengaji, yang penting istiqomah, rutin”

Rumah merupakan comfort zone
yang senantiasa mengilhami, dan menyisakan perenungan-perenungan spiritual yang menguatkan. Di dalamnya terdapat jiwa-jiwa tulus nan agung yang setia, membasahi relung kalbu yang mengering, menyapu kalut hati yang berserak, dan memayungi diri dari teriknya dunia dan kerasnya pergulatan keserakahan serigala-serigala bertopeng domba.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I called it "satisvication". It doesn't imply anything, except the acronym I made, stand for "SATurday In feStiVIty of Culture, Art, hisTory-SensatION". Haha =)

This Saturday, a group of NOHA (Network of Humanitarian Action) Visiting Scholar, mostly from Europe, joined with us, program coordinators and staffs from Office of International Affairs, UGM to spend the lovely Saturday to celebrate the preciousness of culture, art, and history.

First, we went to Imogiri, Bantul district, southern part of Yogyakarta province. We had a pilgrimage in Royal cemetary, a traditional resting place of Sultanese of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Interesting pieces for me are, first, the brilliance idea of Sultan Agung on how he put the concept of this cemetary. There is always a great philosophy on it, meaning of beyond and within things. Second, the value of stepping forward and higher. I define as the need of process, takes times, willingness, efforts, and target. Third, "we can make it, if we want it". Before 'hiking', the guide told us how many level of floors. At the beginning, maybe we are doubt about making it or not. But if we want it and enjoy it, we fight our hesitation and win with satisfication.

When we had to step down the floors, I really felt like running. I liked it. It made me feel lighter and easier to get to the bottom floor. But friends stopped me to do so. They warned me if I could fall down and get injured. So, although I have independent thinking, but the social consequences costs more.

Next, we headed to Prambanan, to see "The Ramayana Ballet". It was my first time seeing the performance in Prambanan. My previouse one is in 'Ratu Boko Temple'. We also had a dinner in the Prambanan complex with such a loving yet nice nuance and atmosphere. Interesting pieces are, people were so excited about having dinnner, but then they complained that the food taste isn't as costly as the prize. For me, since the food are free, it tasted okay, and I am thankful to taste a lot different things. What can we expect from the presence of food. Enough for me.

Ramayana Ballet Performance. There are many tourist spent much money to enjoy the performance. Many visitors from another city and province as well. After a while longing for a seat, finally I sat next to, and among foreign tourists who seem enjoyed the performance. The tourists on my right side, focused on capturing the scene of the performance, using his SLR camera, while the foreigner on my right side, paid most attention only to the stage, even rarely blinking.

This cultural performance and the foreign tourist gazing grabbed me to the experience when I was also being a foreigner and enjoy the kind of art and culural performance. I amaze how art and culture binding people together with appreciation and amazeness. People can have different understanding and interpretaion, but we appreciate this form of creativity and expression.

When we see, we even compare things. Normal. We did many times, including to compare the performance. Based on my previous experience seeing 'Rama-Shinta storyline' performance, What I got, first, it's different. Compare means value, which I can value that the performance tonight was paid much more so the quality of performance needs to exercise and improve more.

I also concerned about regeneration. For the sake of cultural heritage, I think we really need to preserve and regenerate this kind of practical art and culture.

dont look at us!! look at how beautiful background we had. sorry for the blurry pics.

The Highlight News Last Night was:

OOps! I did it (again)! Pathetic side of me!

"The fool one is one who falls into the same hole, again, and again."

Why, I never learned from my previous precedent! That I can call PATHETIC!

Thank you my dear friends who always understanding and helping me out!

Regards, _Kf_

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bermain Angka

Diri ini bertanya (dalam hati), "mengapa angka diciptakan?
Untukkah : kalkulasi, standarisasi, aktualisasi, visualisasi, materialisasi, rasionalisasi (persepsi).
Ataukah : belum terkonseptualisasi dalam proses i-sasi yang lain.

Dalam hidup, manusia selalu mengalkulasi,

deret-deret angka membayang menghantui, ketika
nilai menjadi tak bernilai (lagi) dalam standarisasi semu.
umur senantiasa menghakimi, ketika aktualisasi diri terstigmatisasi.
waktu semakin banyak terlewati dalam hegemoni visualisasi komersialisasi materi.
Semua terkristalisasi dalam 'sesal' dan 'harap'.

Kehidupan dipenuhi angka-angka yang menjustifikasi.
Dari mana datangnya angka-angka itu?
Mengapa begitu mendistorsi?
Mengapa selalu mengintimidasi?

Kalkulasi manusia bagai deret hitung.
Sementara, pemberian Tuhan melebihi 'multiplikasi' deret ukur.

Supaya menjadi manusia yang beruntung, maka (lagi-lagi) janganlah lupa bersyukur.

.:: Sudahkah kita mengestimasi kalkulasi berat timbangan amal-dosa kita di Yaumul Hisab dan Yaumul Mizan kelak?::.
Akankah hasilnya diantara: 1234567890
Wallahu a'lam bishowwab.

Salam angka
di 17062010; 18:46 WIB
semester ke-6
tahun ke-3
usia 20+,
ipk: 3,--


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Aib Manusia dan Penjagaan Allah

Selamat sore saudaraku semua.

Saya menulis posting ini di kala hujan berteman petir sedang beraksi di luar sana. Oleh karenanya, izinkanlah saya berteduh di sini sebentar, dan berbagi mengenai perkara yang sangat lekat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sambil minum teh panas yang menghangatkan dada. Perkara yang ingin saya bagi adalah mengenai aib kita dan penjagaan sang Khaliq. Semoga saja bisa meneduhkan hati. Ini merupakan sarana untuk saling mengingatkan dan juga menegur diri saya sendiri. Baiklah, saya akan memulai mengutip hadits dari Rasulullah S.A.W,

“Siapa yg melepaskan dari seorang mukmin satu kesusahan yg sangat dari kesusahan dunia niscaya Allah akan melepaskan dari satu kesusahan dari kesusahan di hari kiamat. Siapa yg memudahkan orang yg sedang kesulitan niscaya Allah akan memudahkan di dunia dan nanti di akhirat. Siapa yg menutup aib seorang muslim niscaya Allah akan menutup aib di dunia dan kelak di akhirat. Dan Allah senantiasa menolong hamba-Nya selama hamba-Nya itu menolong saudaranya.”

Sejak awal mengenal hadits itu, saya sangat kagum dan terharu bagaimana agama telah mengatur sedemikian rupa mengenai adab berhubungan dengan orang lain. Bagaimana seharusnya kita saling menjaga dan menyayangi orang lain layaknya diri sendiri dan saudara kita. Dan, seperti yang telah saya cetak tebal di atas, termasuk penjagaan kita terhadap aibnya.

Pertama, saya akan mendefinisikan pengertian aib. Aib menurut pengertian harfiah saya merupakan sesuatu yang diasosiakan buruk, tidak terpuji, tidak etis, tidak 'sreg' dan negatif oleh kesepakatan bersama dalam kehidupan sosial. Dalam relasi horizontal antarsesama manusia, aib adalah bagian tersendiri dalam kotak hitam kita, yang tidak akan kita sebarluaskan karena akan menimbulkan stigma negatif yang dilabelkan orang lain pada kita. Sama halnya dengan sifat ketidaksempurnaan manusia, pasti setiap individu mempunyai cerita, pengalaman, kebiasaan, dan karakter yang bisa jadi oleh masyarakat disebut aib. Namun, kebanyakan manusia tidak sadar dan lalai dimana dan apa aib-nya sendiri.

Dalam kehidupan harian sebagai makhluk sosial, seringkali kita kurang 'sreg' dan tidak suka dengan apa yang dilakukan orang lain. Itu wajar dan sering. Seketika kita men-judge, seketika pula kita merekam itu dalam hardisk kita. Tidak jarang pula, kita menemukan fakta empiris dan interaksionis tentang orang lain, yang membuat kita terkejut dan memberikan label tertentu pada mereka. Hampir dipastikan, berkali-kali kita mendengar informasi dari sumber-sumber kedua, ketiga, keempat dan seterusnya yang kadang corrupt dan bias-added tentang orang lain yang membuat kita berasumsi 'macam-macam'. Dan kadang secara spontan kita 'mengata-ngatai' orang lain karena kekecewaan dan luapan emosi yang memuncak.

Bagaimanapun yang saya jabarkan di atas adalah praktik-praktik yang sering terjadi, dan sangat berkebalikan dengan adab dan etika dalam hubungan horizontal antarsesama manusia yang diatur oleh agama. Padahal ingatlah saudaraku semua, bahwasanya aib orang lain adalah cermin dari aib kita, pula. Padahal aib orang lain adalah pembelajaran berharga. Padahal aib orang lain berpotensi menjadi milik kita. Oleh karenanya, agama sudah sangat mulia mengingatkan untuk menyimpan aib orang lain. Dan sebagai balasannya Allah akan menjaga aib kita. Balasan yang sangat luar biasa, karena penjagaan dari sang Khaliq melebihi segala-gala penjagaan di dunia dan akhirat.

Manusia sering lupa bersyukur bahwa begitu banyak penjagaan Allah akan aib-aib kita. Jika kita mengagumi dan mendewakan manusia lain belum tentu pula karena dia 'bersih', tapi karena secara kasat mata kita belum tahu dan bahwa Allah masih menjaga aib-aibnya. Kalaupun orang lain melihat kita sebagaimana baiknya atau sebagaimana kualitas tertentu yang kita miliki, cuma satu yang harus tertanam dalam dada kita, terimakasih kepada Allah yang telah menjaga dan menyembunyikan aib kita. Oleh karenanya, jangan sombong dan jangan mengumbar aib orang lain jikalau mengingankan agar orang lain dan Allah melakukan hal serupa pada kita.

Masyarakat kita adalah masyarakat komunal. Masyarakat yang selalu mengagungkan label makhluk sosial, namun di lain sisi, hipokrit dan 'sakit'. Begitu seringnya tanpa sadar kita menyingkap aib orang lain, memperbesarnya dan mengembar-gemborkannya sehingga meluas dan semakin mantap untuk diperbincangkan. Fakta yang miris itu bisa terlihat dari fenomena di masyarakat: panasnya gosip di infortainment, larisnya forum 'kurang penting' hanya untuk membicarakan aib orang lain, dan kita selalu memulai topik dengan membicarakan orang, bukan event, atau ide. Padahal ada sebuah saying begini, "one with great minds tend to discuss ideas,one with avarage minds tend to discuss events, one with small minds tend to discuss people". What do you think?

Baiklah saudaraku, saya akan merangkumkan dalam beberapa kata. Kita manusia, bukan wali, tidak lepas dari aib dan prasangka. Janganlah sibuk membicarakan aib orang lain sebelum kita introspeksi diri. Janganlah sombong akan persepsi dan prestasi kita di hadapan orang lain, namun bersyukurlah bahwa Allah masih sayang dan menyimpan aib-aib kita. Tidak membicarakan aib orang lain bukan berarti menghindarkan diri kita dari sikap kritis, namun jagalah lidahmu dan mengertilah proporsi dan kondisinya. Berikanlah tanggapan yang proporsional saja. Dan janganlah lupa bahwa : Siapa yg menutup aib seorang muslim niscaya Allah akan menutup aib di dunia dan kelak di akhirat. Subhanallah.

Mari memperbaiki diri.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"She is Empowering Mother"

my American host mother and lucy, her lovely dog in the porch
image from here

Flashback five years ago. I swung in happiness after received a call from my thousand miles away-American host mom. It was on the exact month of June. After few times emailing each other, she called me warmly regarding my arrival in the States. I remember it was Thursday, June 9th 2005 when I got such an unexpected yet surprising call. Then, we stayed in touch and kept sending information about my arrival preparation regularly. I was happy go lucky girl, esp. realizing that my other friends even didn't know their host-family yet.

August 2005. I flew away to the land of freedom, and was the last yet only Indonesian girl left in the orientation place, in Chevy Chase, Maryland. For the first time, I deeply felt the mixed-feeling of loneliness, excitement, worrisome, and hopefulness. For the next journey, I was guided by one young girl, named Alexis Clark, AFS volunteer. Also, not forget to mention, my Southeast Asian buddy, Saima from the Philippines. We are the only YES students hosted in the Garden States, New Jersey. (Btw, I just found my exchange student's blog. I cant help laughing while reading it. Please enjoy)

It took about three hours to get Princeton by Amtrak. The next orientation in Princeton was awesome, although I kept secretly my soft-yearning that yelling to my heart. I knew that all 13 AFS-ers had the same feeling. Hence, we didn't need a long time to start befriended and accepted the difference. After all, we would always be one AFS family. On the last day of orientation, my host family picked me up. My host mom and host sister impressed me a lot. There are there, for picking me up. They are them who had been waiting for me since early June. I hugged them tightly and my thank can never be enough. I remember my mom who was in a blue summer blouse cried when seeing me. I was speechless, but couldn't cry in return.

We had a little conversation in the car a long way from Princeton to Ridgewood. I felt a sleep almost a half way home. They understood that I was in jet lag, and let me take a nap in the car. When I reached home I continued my nap and had my first meal at home with burger filled by turkey meat. It was good, but the size was too big for a tiny girl like me. My host mom really loved to cook and I always loved to eat. Her food was undoubtedly delicious and healthy. My favorite one is paella (Spanish rice dish). She also really care with the healthy food and nutrition. That's why she always encouraged me to eat salad.

299 West Ridgewood Ave, Ridgewood, New Jersey

My mom like to gardening. On the backyard of this beautiful yellow house, we have a small garden, planted by various kinds of flowers and vegetables. What I amazed from this country is the fertilized soil. I never thought about that. On the summer, we even can pick, cook, and/or eat vegetables from our garden.

I experienced and valued many things with my host mom, from happy to sad, from little to big, from silly to important, and too many to tell. We like to discuss and argue about what's going on this world, especially about current affairs. As ex-editor of New York Times, journalist and contributor of AP and VOA, I strongly impressed with her broad-minded thought and knowledgability (knowledgeable ability). Anyway, I made up that word. She also always underlined that she really hates George W. Bush. Not only dislike, but with the highest level of dislikeness, which is hate.

I felt forced and motivated in the same time, when she said that I have to be Indonesian President. She said it a lot, not just few times. I was just smile (bitterly. Hehe. because I know my capacity). I know what her point at that time by telling me so. She really believed in the importance of my exchange year program. She wanted to make a difference, and make a change. She was really involved in YES activities. YES (Youth Exchange and Studies), the program that send me to the States to value the living atmosphere and sharing with American people with the most basic principle of human being can ever be touched. I quoted her saying ".. the goal of YES Program is to produce a positively charged "ripple effect" on intercultural awareness, " she said.

news coverage about myself and my involvement in school theatrical group .

Few days ago, I received a sad news from my mom informed me that my mom died. Hold on. My previous sentences was literally wrong. That must be so scary if really happens. No, I mean I was so lucky to be blessed by two wonderful host-family in Ridgewood. I have two host family. Two wonderful host mother preferred me to call them with 'Mom'. So, I have two host Moms. One is what I described above. Another one is previously my AFS liaison and continued to be one of the most closed yet fantastic person who loves and treats me as her own kids. On the half of my AFS year I was encouraged to experience another type of American family, who lives just few blocks from the big yet beautiful yellow house above. I then moved with my super host family in 209 West Glen Ave, Ridgewood.

my mom in front of her house. i liked to help Tim (host dad) sweep this large yard.

My mom told me a grief story that my 1st mom passed away due to lungs cancer about few days ago. I was so shocked and saddened. My words couldn't express how sorry I was for this loss. My mom also suggested me to google the news, because the news was published a lot in the local, and even state media. Having had the experience to know my American mom personally was quite experience for me. And yeah, she had done many great things in life, and dedicated her whole-hearted spirit and aptitude to Ridgewood community. Thus, my sincere thoughts and prayers are truly with her. I hope she rest in peace, forever.

My mom is Ridgewood Councilwoman until at the time she passed away. On the same month and date, five years ago when I was introduced and said Hi to her. Today, I had to send my soft goodbye to her because her life-line already came to the dot. Here is the recent news from which cover the story about the 'celebration of her life' that attended by hundreds of friends and family. I wanna cite what the site wrote :

"... After emotional speeches from her three children, Zusy’s husband, Al Ortiz, closed the ceremony, calling Zusy "an empowering mother." "When Annie recovered from breast cancer 16 years ago, she vowed not to waste another minute of another day," Ortiz said. "‘When it’s my time to go,’ she said back then, ‘I want people to have plenty to say and I want my children to hear it.’"

Reading that article made my heart beats faster and remained a sorrow deep down inside. I wish to be there and together with the beloved ones celebrated my mom's next stage of life. From the news, I also noticed that the prayers on the funeral was delivered in three religions, Islam, Jewish, and Christian. It was so unique of being her, and was really reflecting her.

The only thing I kept to remember her, beside experiences lied to my heart, is the 'testament' she wrote to me in the day I was leaving Ridgewood. It was so special when she also gave me seeds and sands from in front of her house to make me remember her and Ridgewood. Which I will do for sure. Here I also uploaded the special letter she wrote to me. You can click for zooming in.

To make an end of this post I wanted to share the verse I recite today from Surah Yaseen, Quran :

"Exaltation to Him whose Hand is the Kingdom of all thing, and to Him you will be returned" (36:83)

My condolence regards to my host mother who already return to Him. Like Dad said, she is empowering mother indeed. And yeah, many people have plenty to say about her, and your children hear it a lot. For sure.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ramalan Joyoboyo

pancen wolak-waliking jaman
amenangi jaman edan
ora edan ora kumanan
sing waras padha nggagas
wong tani padha ditaleni
wong dora padha ura-ura
sak beja-bejane sing lali,
isih beja kang eling lan waspadha

[sungguh zaman gonjang-ganjing
menyaksikan zaman gila
tidak ikut gila tidak dapat bagian
yang 'sehat' ikut berpikir
para petani dibelenggu
para pembohong bersuka ria
beruntunglah bagi yang lupa,
(tapi) masih beruntung bagi yang ingat dan waspada]

*it's kind of true.
this life is gettin' crazy, esp morally.
what kind of civilization we live in.
there might be side effect of development and globalization.
just be aware and watch out yourself, first!
best regards, Kf

Syarat Terkabulnya Doa


Untuk makbul ( terkabul )nya doa yang dipanjatkan ,kita perlu memperhatikan saat - saat yang tepat untuk bermunajat kepada - Nya. Para ulama menyatakan bahwa waktu yang tepat untuk berdoa antara lain :

A: Waktu tengah malam . Abu Umamah memberitahukan bahwa Rasulullah Saw pernah ditanya , '' Doa waktu apakah yang paling di dengar Allah Subhanallahu Wa Ta'ala ? '' Nabi Saw menjawab, ''Diwaktu tengah malam dan sehabis sembahyang fardhu ( wajib ) '' ( HR.Tirmidzi )

B: Setelah shalat fardhu ( wajib ) sesuai riwayat di atas.

C: Ketika sujud dalam sembahyang. Abu Hurairah mewartakan bahwa Rasulullah Saw bersabda , ''Sedekat - dekat seorang hamba kepada Allah Subhanallahu Wa Ta'ala ialah ketika bersujud kepada Allah Subhanallhu Wa Ta'ala. Oleh karenanya , hendaklah kamu perbanyak doa dalam sujud itu ( HR. Muslim )

D: Setelah tahiyat ( duduk dalam shalat pada rakaat genap setelah dua kali sujud ) sebelum salam . Rasulullah Saw bersabda : Apabila seseorang diantara kamu melaksanakan shalat , hendaklah ucapkan ( dalam tahiyat ) '' Attahiyatu ilallah...( dan seterusnya ).'' Kemudian ia memilih doa yang di disukainya, lalu berdoa dengan-Nya.'' ( Muttafaq 'alaih )

E: Pada hari jum'at . Rasulullah Saw bersabda. ''Pada hari jum'at ada suatu saat dimana seorang muslim dapat berdiri sembahyang sambil meminta sesuatu kepada Allah Subhanallahu Wa Ta'ala. tak dapat tidak , Dia akan memberikan kepadanya ( apa yang dimintanya itu ) '' Rasulullah Saw mengucapkan pesan tersebut seraya meng-isyaratkan dengan tangannya tentang pendeknya waktu ( terkabulnya doa ) tersebut ( Muttafak Alaih )

F: Dalam sebuah safar ( perjalanan ) Rasulullah Saw bersabda. '' Tiga macam doa yang tidak diragukan lagi bakal terkabul ; doa orang teraniaya, doa orang yang sedang bepergian , dan doa ayah terhadap anaknya. '' ( HR . Abu Dawud dan Tirmidzi )

Walaupun demikian , tak sedikit permohonan atau doa manusia ditolak Allah Subhanallahu Wa Ta'ala .Apakah ini Allah Subhanallahu Wa ta'ala mengingkari janji - Nya ? Pertanyaan ini kerap muncul dalam benak manusia yang tengah berputus asa akan doa yang diucapkannya. Penduduk Basrah pernah bertanya kepada Ibrahim bin Ad'am , seorang ulama sufi terkemuka sa'at itu , tentang masalah ini. Ibrahim menjawab ''

Itu disebabkan karena hati kalian mati dalam sepuluh hal :

1. Kalian mengenal Allah tapi tidak mengenal hak - hak - Nya.
2. Kalian membaca kitab Allah, tapi tidak mengamalkannya.
3. Kalian mengaku mencintai Rasul Allah.tapi tidak mengakui sunnahnya.
4. Kalian mengaku benci setan, tapi selalu mengikutinya.
5. Kalian yakin mati itu pasti ( menjemput ) tapi tak pernah mempersiapkannya.
6. Kalian bilang takut neraka, tapi terus membiarkan diri kalian tersesat ke sana.
7. Kalian bilang mendambakan surga , tapi tak pernah beramal untuknya.
8. Kalian sibuk dengan aib - aib orang lain dan mengabaikan aib sendiri.
9. Kalian menikmati anugerah - anugerah Allah Subhanallahu Wa Ta'ala , tapi tidak mensyukurinya.
10. Kalian setiap kali mengubur jenazah - jenazah , tapi tak pernah mengambil pelajaran darinya.


*Diambil dari
'Renungan n Kisah Inspiratif'.

Salam, -Kf-

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Super Girl

Last night, my friends and I discussed about what's goin' on in Palestine recently. Then, we ended up by watching this amazing video on such a remarkable speech of 5th grade girl. I was totally speechless then. Thrilled and so proud of this brave-hearthed human being, Rachel Corrie. Below is the script of her 5th grade speech.

“I’m here for other children. I’m here because I care.
I’m here because children everywhere are suffering and because forty thousand people die each day from hunger.

I’m here because those people are mostly children.
We have got to understand that the poor are all around us and we are ignoring them.
We have got to understand that these deaths are preventable.
We have got to understand that people in third world countries think and care and smile and cry just like us.
We have got to understand that they dream our dreams and we dream theirs.

We have got to understand that they are us. We are them.
My dream is to stop hunger by the year 2000.

My dream is to give the poor a chance.
My dream is to save the forty thousand people who die each day.
My dream can and will come true if we all look into the future and see the light that shines there.
If we ignore hunger, that light will go out.
If we all help and work together, it will grow and burn free with the potential of tomorrow.”
– Rachel Corrie, aged 10, remarks from a fifth grade press conference on World Hunger.

“I look forward to seeing more and more people willing to resist the direction the world is moving in; a direction that persuades us that our personal experiences are irrelevant, that we are defective, that our communities are not important, that we are powerless, that the future is determined and that the highest level of humanity is expressed through what we choose to buy at the mall.”
– Rachel Corrie

636 Bulan

5 Juni 1957

Selamat Ulang Tahun, Bapak!
Semoga senantiasa sehat dan bahagia.
Tetap istiqomah dan amanah.
Menjaga kesederhanaan dan kewibawaan.

Salam tawadhu', Kiki

Tamparan Keras

Kejutan getir di depan mata. Saya tidak bisa menghindar dari tamparan keras yang sangat menyakitkan ini. Anehnya efeknya begitu menguatkan. Pertama kali, helaan nafas pun terasa berat. Seketika dada serasa sesak dan ada beban berat di pundak saya. Namun, lambat laun, saya meyakini bahwa kenyataan ini adalah pelajaran berharga, Pengalaman ini akan memperkaya batin dan mental saya. Setidaknya untuk memberikan kata cukup pada kesia-siaan dan inefisiensi sikap dan pola pikir. Ya Allah, hamba mohon perlindungan atas segala siksa dunia dan akhirat! Hanya kepada-Mu lah diri berserah dan memohon pertolongan!

Yang meringankan separuh beban saya kemudian adalah surat Al Insyirah yang konsisten, tak pernah luput dari bibir dan pesan tentang hal-hal yang mengajaibkan kehidupan, yakni "kejujuran, kerja keras, dan upaya bagi kebaikan sesama." Sebenarnya tiga karakter di atas bisa menjadi obat sekaligus jawaban atas tamparan keras saya hari ini.

Kejujuran. Kerja keras. Upaya bagi kebaikan sesama. Semoga saya bisa menjiwainya dengan sepenuh hati.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Swa7A Updated

I just want to say :
I can't thank enough for your presence. Our sisterhood on SWA7A. Thanks for always sharing and loving. It's been awesome to be fool and silly with you, dear. Always LOL (Laugh Out Loud):)

Much Love, Kiki :)

PS. Cindy and Dedeks, sorry for the photo in the middle, it's not blurry, just artsy!

Thursday Night Playlist

Allah Maha Cahaya (Opick)

Jauh melangkah meniti waktu berlalu
Jauh berjalan lewati berjuta warna kehidupan
Tanpa sadari dalam cermin wajah ini
Bertambah umurku dalam hidup yang semakin merapuh

Allah bukalah hatiku, bimbing di jalan terang-Mu
Selamatkanlah jiwa yang gelap dalam cahaya rahmat-Mu
Allah Kau Maha Cahaya beri petunjuk sang jiwa
Ampuni diri yang lelah kadang sesatku melangkah

Allah sang Maha Cahaya menerangi gelap jiwa
Allah sang Maha Penguasa padanya hati berserah

Begitu lirih tanpa sadar air mata
Menjadi saksi banyak waktu sia sia
Tanpa sadari dalam cermin wajah ini
Bertambah umurku dalam hidup yang smakin merapuh

Allah bukalah hatiku, bimbing dijalan terang-Mu
Selamatkanlah jiwa yang gelap dalam cahaya rahmat-Mu
Allah Kau Maha Cahaya beri petunjuk sang jiwa
Ampuni diri yang lelah kadang sesatku melangkah

Allah terangi jiwaku
Allah beri petunjuk-Mu
Allah bimbinglah hamba-Mu
Allah ampunilah aku


Thursday night is healing-soul time.
Listening this song is very recharging and enlightening.
Amiin Ya Rabb!

Regards, _Kf_